Taking Care of Your Little Best Friend: Why Choose a Yorkshire Terrier?

Why I Love My Yorkie

When I arrive home it is not to a cold and empty house.  On the other side of that front door sits a cute, little, furry dynamo that loves me to distraction.   I am his whole world, and he eagerly anticipates the second I open that door so he can show me just how happy he is to see me!  He jumps for joy, his little front paws landing lightly just below my shins, and then straight up into the air a few times, just pleading with me to pick him up, and then as I do he wriggles in excitement and licks my fingers, my hands, and whatever parts of my face he can reach.

And I love him in return.  He is demanding; in fact, he wants all of my attention that he can get, but he has learned to be happy with whatever percentage of my time he gets, which is a lot.  I am retired, except for doing a little research and writing online, which works for Mason because he can sleep in my lap or on the rug in front of me while I am at the computer.

Why Choose a Yorkie?  A Small Dog With a Big Personality

But why a Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie, as they are more often called?  Why is this the dog I chose?  I’ll tell you some benefits of owning a Yorkie before I tell you how I happened upon this particular dog.  Pretty much everything I wanted in a dog is all rolled up into one with a Yorkie, but there are several other kinds of dogs I could have chosen happily – until I got Mason; now I probably will not ever get another kind of dog!

Yorkies are Enthusiastic and Loving

I think of mine as a small dog with a big personality!  A Yorkie may be quiet at times, especially those who are older, but your Yorkie has a lot of love to give, and she has opinions on almost any aspect of life she runs across.  She loves people and other animals, and in fact if my dog corners a bug or toad, he will lightly touch it with his paw because he seems to want it to touch back.  He doesn’t try to hurt any other animal.  I don’t know that all Yorkies are like that, but mine certainly is.  He wants to play with everything and everybody.

Yorkies Have BIG Opinions of Themselves!

A Yorkie also typically thinks he’s just as big as a Rottweiler, and when he comes up against one, he usually will not turn and run.   In fact I’ve seen my Yorkie back big dogs down when he’s outraged at their behavior!  Or, let’s face it, when he just wants to be bossy.  You’ll see more about that in the section on why you might not choose a Yorkshire Terrier.