More Reasons to Choose a Yorkie in the First Place: Yorkies Are Hypoallergenic Dogs

Yorkies are hypoallergenic dogs

Yorkies are hypoallergenic dogs.  This means that if you are allergic to dog hair you aren’t going to have much of a problem with this one!  Dog hair is not going to be spread all over your bed, your carpet, your entire living space.  I have several allergies, including an allergy to dog hair, and my Yorkie doesn’t trigger it at all.  This is important to me because this is an allergy I can control, unlike ragweed, pollen, dust, and mold allergies, which flare up with the seasons and even on my walks.

My Research

I learned while doing research for an article that Yorkshire Terriers are of a breed that is considered hypoallergenic by the American Kennel Club, and they are the ones who should  know!  The AKC says that no dog is completely allergy free, but there are quite a few breeds that can be called hypoallergenic because they cause fewer problems.  My Yorkie does not shed, and that seems to make all the difference for me.

If you want to see my list of other hypoallergenic dogs, check this out:’t-shed/.

Yorkies as Show Dogs

If you choose to use your Yorkie as a show dog, you might grow her hair long and therefore need to constantly groom her to keep her hair silky and beautiful, but I keep my dog’s hair short, and it really never gets tangled except for a little matting under his eyes if I don’t wash them often, and in his beard if it gets that long.