More Reasons to Choose a Yorkie in the First Place: Yorkie are Small Dogs – Great for Apartment Living

Considering a Small Dog?

Do you want a small dog?  The typical Yorkie is 3 to 7 pounds, not often much bigger, as it is a toy breed.  My Yorkie is a little over 7 pounds, but I’m glad because he is sturdy and not so fragile.  Yorkies are fragile dogs, as tiny as they are, and must be handled with care.  They shouldn’t jump from high places, and you don’t want to drop things on them, so you have to constantly keep your Yorkie from getting underfoot in places he can be hurt, like in the kitchen if you accidentally drop a can of soup on him!!!  I wouldn’t even think of taking her with you to the gym!

Yorkies Like to Chill

Most Yorkies don’t need a great deal of exercise, but I’m glad mine loves walking, because I do too.  We walk two miles in the morning and again in the evening, weather permitting.  If his tongue is hanging out and he’s dragging his feet, I cut our walk short or take him back to the air conditioned house and continue on my own.

On the other hand, because she is small, the Yorkie can be carried almost everywhere if you so desire, kind of like Elle carried Bruiser, her little Chihuahua, in the movie “Legally Blonde.”  She put him in her purse and he stayed there quietly while she was in class and everywhere else.  I can’t see a Yorkie doing that; in fact, I can’t see a Chihuahua doing that, but one good thing about all dogs is that they can be trained.  You’re the boss, not the dog!

Owning a small dog that doesn’t require a great deal of exercise is clearly an advantage if you live in an apartment.  A Yorkie doesn’t need much space, and when she isn’t running around chasing a ball or playing with her toys, she loves snuggling up next to you or in your lap.  Even a small apartment would have plenty of room for a Yorkie.