Yummy Hot Weather Dog Snack Recipe

Mason and I had a wonderful idea, and it worked out!  He’s happy because it tastes wonderful, and I’m happy because it’s super healthy!  It’s also only three ingredients, with no cooking and no fuss.  If you want a healthy, delicious, easy to prepare snack, check this out!


½ apple, diced

3-4 baby carrots, diced

low-sodium chicken broth


Dice the apple and the carrot.  It’s healthier to leave the skin on the apple, but you can get rid of it if you don’t like it.  Your dog will, I betcha!


Mix them together.

Put the diced apples and carrots into an ice tray.  Mine was exactly filled up with my ½ apple and four diced baby carrots, but sizes of ice trays and of apples and carrots vary, of course.

Next, pour enough low-sodium chicken broth in to each section of the ice tray to fill in the spaces around the apples and carrots.  Your dog is by now probably crawling up your leg trying to get at the deliciousness she smells!  My little Mason was!

Stick it into the freezer for several hours and voila!  You have yummy (stick-less) ice pops to feed your doggy on a hot day or after a hot exercising session.

I’m going to include the adorable video of Mason alternately licking and then chewing one of the ice pops.   I experimented and found the best way to do is to take it out of the freezer for a few minutes when we come in from our romp outside, just long enough for it to be soft enough to chip into small, bite/lick sized pieces.  Otherwise it took forever for him to eat it.  If you want to make it last for twenty minutes, you can leave it whole!

Here is the recipe for you to enjoy!  Click here for a downloadable version.