Cheesy Tuna Treats – Healthy Dog Treats

This is a new and exciting recipe, if I can judge by my dog’s enthusiasm when he ate it.! In fact, I actually tasted it myself because I thought it must be really tasty, and it tasted a little like bread flavored with tuna; I couldn’t really taste the cheese.  If you want to add more cheese for your dog, you might throw in a little more Parmesan or even melt American or cheddar on top; whatever your dog likes.  My dog has a sensitive stomach, so I try not to overdo the richness of his food.   I don’t ever want to see pancreatitis in my house again!

This takes a little more time than the apple carrot frozen treats, but it’s pretty simple.  You’ll probably need to double the recipe if your dog is bigger than mine (9 pounds and a few ounces) or if you want more or bigger treats.  With this recipe I ended up with 45 treats, approximately 1” x 1” x ½.”


6 ounce can tuna in water, NOT DRAINED

¼ cup whole wheat flour

½ cup white flour

1 egg

¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Measure ¼ cup whole wheat flour and pour it into a medium mixing bowl.

If you don’t care about making it a little healthier, you can just use all white flour.  When I use part wheat, I think I am keeping my dog healthier.  I’m not sure if I am, but I like thinking I am.  J  One of these days I’ll research it and let you know!

Measure ½ cup white flour and pour it into the same bowl.  Stir the two flours until well mixed.

Open the can of tuna and pour it into the flour mixture, water and all.   By now my dog is of course jumping all up and down around my feet because he smells the tuna.  I figure that’s a good sign!

Add the egg and cheese.  Mix well.  The egg holds the whole mixture together so it won’t separate and adds more protein.  As for the cheese, I think you could add more if you so desire, but make sure you keep the consistency so it bakes well.  You may want to experiment.

Spread the batter evenly in a pan or dish.  Since I had a small amount, I used the smallest casserole dish I have, which is a bread pan, 8 ½ x 4 ½ inches.  It worked great!

Bake for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees.  Remove from oven and allow to cool before cutting into treat-sized pieces.  Serve one or more to your special friend!

As soon as the pieces cooled, I divided them up and put them all into snack-sized zip lock bags to keep  them fresh.  I am storing one bag in the refrigerator and the rest in the freezer.

A little further down I have a little printable graphic of the recipe so you can make it yourself!  Download the graphic here.

Enjoy this video of Mason loving his new treat!