Yorkies and Other Pets – Letters from Readers

We all have favorite stories about our pets, and we love them because of their uniqueness.

We’ve also all read stories about pets and about some of the incredible things dogs will do. Television shows like “Lassie” came about for a reason.  Dogs are definitely intelligent!  When people say they love the breed of dog they have and would never get another, I don’t know.  I love my Yorkie, but that doesn’t mean I won’t someday get a lab maybe or some other kind of big dog to be his sibling.  Mason seriously likes and trusts immediately every Labrador he meets, and I think it may be because their laidbackness balances out his alwaysreadytogoness.

I enjoy the letters I have been receiving from readers, mostly dog owners, not necessarily Yorkies either. Here are some of the readers who have sent in stories about their pets to me.

Kathy Robertson from Desoto, Michigan, has a Yorkie named Fancy, whom she says is her “world” and she couldn’t live without her.

Fancy goes with Kathy everywhere.

Evelyn Lawrence had to put her eighteen-year-old poodle to sleep two years ago.

Must have been a small poodle, as it’s the small dogs who live the longest. Poodles of course come in different sizes, from teacup to huge (by Yorkie standards), and are also hypoallergenic dogs, as are Yorkies, so they’re ideal for people who have allergies because they don’t shed. Poodles are also ranked as among the most intelligent dogs, so they can be interesting and fun. Evelyn is looking for a Yorkie to replace her poodle but isn’t having success going to Yorkie rescue. I know it may be frustrating, but it just usually takes time.  Finding my Mason took a while of going to shelters and dog rescues, checking various places online, Yorkie and just plain any dog places, although I knew I wanted hypoallergenic and I knew I wanted small. I prayed and put in the believing action, checking out many places. To read my account of it, check out my blog post of July 2, 2018, How Did I End Up With a Yorkie?

Lucy works from home and in her job things can sometimes get a little crazy, but her chihuahua Dixie keeps her sane, she says!

I can understand that too.  There’s nothing like a little animal that adores you even if you get cranky – not that you ever get cranky, Lucy, but I’m just saying I am not a perfect person and none of us has a perfect life, so sometimes I do get  cranky and then I don’t like myself or anybody else, but guess who always loves me no matter what kind of person I am being?  My little dog!  In fact, I have accidentally stepped on his little foot, and when I do, after a little yelp, he runs to me to reassure me and himself that all is okay, that I still love him and he still loves me.

Veronica from Connecticut may be the ultimate Yorkie lover and I would even venture to say expert on Yorkie behavior!

She says that she has her 6th and 7th Yorkies presently, having owned five before these.  She calls Jay Jay and Anthony her “heart” and her “life,” and says that they are “practically human.” I believe it! All seven of her Yorkies came from show quality, and the breeder lives in Connecticut, so if you’re looking for champion quality Yorkies and have had no success where you live, check in Connecticut. Veronica adds “Once you own a Yorkie, you will never want another breed.”  Hmmm. I might reach that point. Dunno. I do love the one I have.

Stay tuned for more stories about pets sent in to me from some of my readers! If you have a story that you would like to share about your Yorkie or special pet friend I would love to hear from you! Next week’s article has more letters from readers! Check it out.