Staying Thankful

This is a photo I took at sunset in my little town; it’s so beautiful and a reminder to me when I see such beauty to be thankful. The world is full of exquisite and encouraging things to see if we just keep looking.

Bad stuff comes along in life and we weather it a whole lot better if we keep focused on the good things while we deal with the bad ones but don’t revel in them.

This is what I’ve found to be true in my travels throughout life, and now that I have gained many years of wisdom, it’s what I’ve learned to focus on – the good stuff.

Like my dog, Mason! I love my little dog so much that I’ve decided that he needs a companion, and since he loves cats, we’re getting one in a couple of weeks!

Mason Is Going to Have a Cat Sister or Brother!

My friend Starr, who also happens to be the person Mason stays with when I go some place he can’t, like on a plane to visit my daughter in Houston for a few days, has two cats of her own. When we get to her house, her cats, Tigger and Simba, run to meet Mason and greet him by touching noses. They’re not afraid of him or intimidated by a dog visit because when he gets too aggressively playful, they can climb to a higher level than he can reach, or they can just hide. Cats are wonderful at hiding.

Mason has longed to have an animal companion forever; he loves me, and he likes to pretend I’m another dog, which I indulge from time to time, but I know things would be better he had a companion, and I’m going to start with a cat because cats are small, closer to his size.

This is not an actual photo of our little kitty but similar to the one we’ll have.  I’ll tell you how Starr came to have giveaway kitties. She has her own two cats I already told you about, but a few weeks ago a stray Mama-to-be wandered up and Starr gave her shelter on her back porch. A few days later, Mama Cat gave birth to six kittens, four females and two males! I haven’t seen anything of them yet except photos Starr has sent, but I plan to travel to where she lives about 50 miles away to get acquainted and pick mine out this week.  I plan to take Mason with me so he can start getting used to the idea. Besides, he’ll love seeing Simba and Tigger.

In case you’re still wondering, why don’t I take Mason with me to Houston to visit my daughter Ariane? Well, she has three young daughters: Aurelia (Railey) is four; Helena (Hellie) is two; and Seraphina (Sefi) is two months old. The only thing Mason is terrified of is a toddler, and Ariane’s house is toddler and baby city right now, so everybody would be uncomfortable if I took him with me. We’ll just wait until he’s a little older.