Staying Thankful

This is a photo I took at sunset in my little town; it’s so beautiful and a reminder to me when I see such beauty to be thankful. The world is full of exquisite and encouraging things to see if we just keep looking.

Bad stuff comes along in life and we weather it a whole lot better if we keep focused on the good things while we deal with the bad ones but don’t revel in them.

This is what I’ve found to be true in my travels throughout life, and now that I have gained many years of wisdom, it’s what I’ve learned to focus on – the good stuff.

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Mason is Four Years Old!

mason is 4 years old

My little doggy is no longer a baby, that’s for sure!

Four in dog years is supposedly 28 in human years, so I guess he’s an adult, but I’ve probably already told you a lot of the ways he has matured. 

Last week I was gone for eleven hours one day, which is a long time for a little almost ten-pound-pet to hold his tiny bladder, but he did. I didn’t plan to leave him that long and was concerned about his ability to hold it and hoped that he was make a mistake rather than be miserable.  I think probably he was asleep all day while I was gone though, which made it easier, because he held it, but still! I am proud of him. I’m going to tell you my favorite story that illustrates bathroom problems with small dogs. I knew before I got him of that problem because almost every person I talked to with a Yorkie or a Maltese or small Poodle told me that they are the most wonderful dogs in the world, even if they do pee all over the place.

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Yorkies and Other Pets – Letters from Readers

stories about our pets

We all have favorite stories about our pets, and we love them because of their uniqueness.

We’ve also all read stories about pets and about some of the incredible things dogs will do. Television shows like “Lassie” came about for a reason.  Dogs are definitely intelligent!  When people say they love the breed of dog they have and would never get another, I don’t know.  I love my Yorkie, but that doesn’t mean I won’t someday get a lab maybe or some other kind of big dog to be his sibling.  Mason seriously likes and trusts immediately every Labrador he meets, and I think it may be because their laidbackness balances out his alwaysreadytogoness.

I enjoy the letters I have been receiving from readers, mostly dog owners, not necessarily Yorkies either. Here are some of the readers who have sent in stories about their pets to me.

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Mastiffs, Yorkies, Cats


Yorkies live a long time compared to bigger dogs

My sister had a Mastiff once, the biggest and yet gentlest dog she has ever owned, and poor Hazy died at the age of only seven years.  The cat mourned for days (which I understand is a long time for a cat}, because Hazy was the gentlest playmate that cat had! I know I am generalizing about things I could be more specific about if I got the facts, but I know in my experience the biggest dogs have often been the easiest to get along with.  Big ol’ labs and retrievers let the house’s toddlers pull their manes and crawl all over them, using them as horses or trucks or tractors or punching bags!

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Nature of Some Animals

best vet for your animals

 I have not written a blog post in a year, thirteen months actually, and I chose the above honor bestowed upon my little doggy’s vet to galvanize myself into action.

I am so proud of her!  She is not only the best veterinarian I know in terms of not only proper care but also with her bedside manner, which is very important when you have a little animal quivering in fear before a needle or worse, a thermometer!  Dr. Potosky is also the authority I refer to when I give you guys information about dogs in general or Yorkies, especially my Yorkie, in particular.  I know it’s the year 2019 now, but these are the most recent awards in this and other categories of exceptional performance by businesses and individuals in Lee County, North Carolina, where I live.

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