Yorkies and Other Pets – Letters from Readers

stories about our pets

We all have favorite stories about our pets, and we love them because of their uniqueness.

We’ve also all read stories about pets and about some of the incredible things dogs will do. Television shows like “Lassie” came about for a reason.  Dogs are definitely intelligent!  When people say they love the breed of dog they have and would never get another, I don’t know.  I love my Yorkie, but that doesn’t mean I won’t someday get a lab maybe or some other kind of big dog to be his sibling.  Mason seriously likes and trusts immediately every Labrador he meets, and I think it may be because their laidbackness balances out his alwaysreadytogoness.

I enjoy the letters I have been receiving from readers, mostly dog owners, not necessarily Yorkies either. Here are some of the readers who have sent in stories about their pets to me.

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