Separation Anxiety Solutions

separation anxiety solutions for dogs

Anyway, about the separation anxiety. I was gone into Raleigh for five or six hours one day and left Mason with my Mother. When I got back she told me that he ran from his favorite window where he can see everything to the door I would come through when I returned, over and over, back and forth. He would not eat anything she offered him, including special treats I had left that he usually loved. When I got back home, he would not leave my side, even went with me to the bathroom, waited for me outside the shower, watched me as I walked from my desk to the kitchen and back, and got into my lap as often as possible.

(If you missed last week, this is part two in a two part article series. Read part one here.)

I knew that I needed to take Mason to see our favorite vet, Dr. Potosky, to see if she had some separation anxiety solutions for us to try out.

Continue reading “Separation Anxiety Solutions”

When the Internet was first a thing…

modern internet can take us anywhere, man traveling on a bridge

 I was one of the last teachers in my public school to begin to use the computer for anything besides as an advanced typewriter. All of we English teachers were holdouts until we were told we had to check our email daily. So I learned, and over the years since then I have gained a minimum proficiency in dealing with this modern technology, but only recently has it dawned on me that the modern internet is the equivalent of a huge, endless library of information. If you jump to tell me that the internet is full of misinformation and trashy material no one civilized should see, I can remind you that there is printed material out there of the raunchy variety as well.

(This is Part II of a post I began last week. Read Part I here.)

Continue reading “When the Internet was first a thing…”