More Reasons to Choose a Yorkie in the First Place: Yorkies Are Hypoallergenic Dogs

Yorkies are hypoallergenic dogs

Yorkies are hypoallergenic dogs.  This means that if you are allergic to dog hair you aren’t going to have much of a problem with this one!  Dog hair is not going to be spread all over your bed, your carpet, your entire living space.  I have several allergies, including an allergy to dog hair, and my Yorkie doesn’t trigger it at all.  This is important to me because this is an allergy I can control, unlike ragweed, pollen, dust, and mold allergies, which flare up with the seasons and even on my walks.

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Taking Care of Your Little Best Friend: Why Choose a Yorkshire Terrier?

Why I Love My Yorkie

When I arrive home it is not to a cold and empty house.  On the other side of that front door sits a cute, little, furry dynamo that loves me to distraction.   I am his whole world, and he eagerly anticipates the second I open that door so he can show me just how happy he is to see me!  He jumps for joy, his little front paws landing lightly just below my shins, and then straight up into the air a few times, just pleading with me to pick him up, and then as I do he wriggles in excitement and licks my fingers, my hands, and whatever parts of my face he can reach.

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