Pancreatitis and your pooch

A few weeks ago, my baby boy Mason became ill.  He wouldn’t eat, and he had lots of nausea, some vomiting, and diarrhea.  That same morning I had learned that a neighbor’s dog had contracted Parvo, the deadly disease every dog owner fears; and I learned that some of the symptoms were the same as what my dog had.  Now Mason had had all of his shots; I have been known to be cheap, but I would never keep my dog from having all needed shots and medications, along with Heartworm medicine and flea and tick medicine.  If you’re thinking of saving money by skipping those for your pet, be aware that you may be taking her life into your hands.  Dogs need necessary preventative measures just like people do!  I had heard that if a dog with Parvo has contact with your dog, even vaccines may not prevent your dog from catching it!  But you know how those rumors are:  some sort of true, and others, not even close!

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