Cheesy Tuna Treats – Healthy Dog Treats

This is a new and exciting recipe, if I can judge by my dog’s enthusiasm when he ate it.! In fact, I actually tasted it myself because I thought it must be really tasty, and it tasted a little like bread flavored with tuna; I couldn’t really taste the cheese.  If you want to add more cheese for your dog, you might throw in a little more Parmesan or even melt American or cheddar on top; whatever your dog likes.  My dog has a sensitive stomach, so I try not to overdo the richness of his food.   I don’t ever want to see pancreatitis in my house again!

This takes a little more time than the apple carrot frozen treats, but it’s pretty simple.  You’ll probably need to double the recipe if your dog is bigger than mine (9 pounds and a few ounces) or if you want more or bigger treats.  With this recipe I ended up with 45 treats, approximately 1” x 1” x ½.”

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Yummy Hot Weather Dog Treats

Well, they aren’t exactly pops, and your dog couldn’t handle the popsicle stick anyway, but for a dog they are perfect!

As you probably already know, except for the apple seeds (which contain cyanide), the core (a choking hazard) and the stems and leaves (which MIGHT contain cyanide), apples are extremely healthy and delicious for dogs, just as they are for humans.  My little Yorkie Mason dearly loves apples.  When I start to core and slice one for myself, he begins his little four-foot straight up in the air jump that I thought only cats could do!  The difference is cats do it when startled (maybe from encountering a sinister cucumber), and Mason does it when he’s super excited (when it’s time for a walk or I’m preparing food he wants to share.)

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