Staying Thankful

This is a photo I took at sunset in my little town; it’s so beautiful and a reminder to me when I see such beauty to be thankful. The world is full of exquisite and encouraging things to see if we just keep looking.

Bad stuff comes along in life and we weather it a whole lot better if we keep focused on the good things while we deal with the bad ones but don’t revel in them.

This is what I’ve found to be true in my travels throughout life, and now that I have gained many years of wisdom, it’s what I’ve learned to focus on – the good stuff.

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Being Thankful During Coronavirus

thankful for flowers

First of all, since this is supposed to be a blog about my dog and it mostly is, I’ll tell you how thankful I am for little Mason.

During these long days of very little contact with other humans except my mother, who is wonderful, and I live with her, but I do miss other people, people outside my living environment, but anyway, I have my loyal, loving little dog, who lives for me and is right behind me everywhere I go. When the weather is nice, and it has been perfectly beautiful this week, he and I take long walks. Sometimes he gets tired and I carry him part of the way, so he’s my ten-pound weight to strengthen my  arms.

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