Separation Anxiety Solutions

separation anxiety solutions for dogs

Anyway, about the separation anxiety. I was gone into Raleigh for five or six hours one day and left Mason with my Mother. When I got back she told me that he ran from his favorite window where he can see everything to the door I would come through when I returned, over and over, back and forth. He would not eat anything she offered him, including special treats I had left that he usually loved. When I got back home, he would not leave my side, even went with me to the bathroom, waited for me outside the shower, watched me as I walked from my desk to the kitchen and back, and got into my lap as often as possible.

(If you missed last week, this is part two in a two part article series. Read part one here.)

I knew that I needed to take Mason to see our favorite vet, Dr. Potosky, to see if she had some separation anxiety solutions for us to try out.

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Separation Anxiety in Dogs

For this week’s article and the next I want to talk about separation anxiety in dogs; something that lots of loyal pups can suffer from. But first a story (you know how I love stories).

A sad Labrador retriever is not my dog, but this does give you an idea of how he sometimes looks when I leave my house even for a couple of hours these days. It’s a byproduct of my staying home almost all of the time for the last 2 ½ months.

When the coronavirus hit and we were told to stay home, I did, and Mason has had me with him almost constantly ever since.  We have sat in the house as I read, watched movies, did some writing, all of this with him living up to the Yorkie’s designation as a lapdog.

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Coronavirus Haircuts – Before and After

dog that needs a haircut

First of all, my poor little Mason needed a haircut already when we went into quarantine in mid-March. I was amazed to find that Pet Smart was open for grooming around the middle of April, so I made an appointment for him  and then thinking about all the closeness involved – and the fact that I live with my 96-year-old mother, whom I am protecting – I postponed the appointment until predictions were a little less dire about the Coronavirus, with the result that by the time we went last week, this is what Mason looked like.

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Being Thankful During Coronavirus

thankful for flowers

First of all, since this is supposed to be a blog about my dog and it mostly is, I’ll tell you how thankful I am for little Mason.

During these long days of very little contact with other humans except my mother, who is wonderful, and I live with her, but I do miss other people, people outside my living environment, but anyway, I have my loyal, loving little dog, who lives for me and is right behind me everywhere I go. When the weather is nice, and it has been perfectly beautiful this week, he and I take long walks. Sometimes he gets tired and I carry him part of the way, so he’s my ten-pound weight to strengthen my  arms.

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Mason is Four Years Old!

mason is 4 years old

My little doggy is no longer a baby, that’s for sure!

Four in dog years is supposedly 28 in human years, so I guess he’s an adult, but I’ve probably already told you a lot of the ways he has matured. 

Last week I was gone for eleven hours one day, which is a long time for a little almost ten-pound-pet to hold his tiny bladder, but he did. I didn’t plan to leave him that long and was concerned about his ability to hold it and hoped that he was make a mistake rather than be miserable.  I think probably he was asleep all day while I was gone though, which made it easier, because he held it, but still! I am proud of him. I’m going to tell you my favorite story that illustrates bathroom problems with small dogs. I knew before I got him of that problem because almost every person I talked to with a Yorkie or a Maltese or small Poodle told me that they are the most wonderful dogs in the world, even if they do pee all over the place.

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Yorkies and Other Pets – Letters from Readers

stories about our pets

We all have favorite stories about our pets, and we love them because of their uniqueness.

We’ve also all read stories about pets and about some of the incredible things dogs will do. Television shows like “Lassie” came about for a reason.  Dogs are definitely intelligent!  When people say they love the breed of dog they have and would never get another, I don’t know.  I love my Yorkie, but that doesn’t mean I won’t someday get a lab maybe or some other kind of big dog to be his sibling.  Mason seriously likes and trusts immediately every Labrador he meets, and I think it may be because their laidbackness balances out his alwaysreadytogoness.

I enjoy the letters I have been receiving from readers, mostly dog owners, not necessarily Yorkies either. Here are some of the readers who have sent in stories about their pets to me.

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