Things We Love

Here are few of the things that Mason and I absolutely love, and cannot live without


This carrier is AMAZING.  If you have a small dog that goes everywhere with you, like Mason does with me, then this is totally a must have.






Mason absolutely loves this little toy.  It is perfect for him because it is:

  • Non-toxic: this is the very first thing I look for in a toy, it has got to be safe.
  • Durable: we are looking forward to years of fun with this one ya’ll, because it is made really well.
  • Lightweight: this means no breaking that lamp if Mason tosses it up into the air and it comes down.  So important!


Mason and I get so excited when a new Flavia De Luce novel comes out!

If you are unfamiliar with the books, Flavia De Luce is a precocious eleven-year-old British chemist who concocts poisons in her attic laboratory to retaliate for insults and torments she receives at the hands of her two older sisters.  Flavia, also a curious and intrepid sleuth, outwits the murderers and the crime-solving police, as well as the adults she surreptitiously interrogates so expertly that they don’t even realize she has gathered important clues

from them.

These books are amazing, and one of our favorite things to do it snuggle together and read them.  Above is the most recent release, and below are all of the others in order.

If you have never read them, we highly recommend picking one up if you enjoy a cozy mystery.




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